Inspiring Speaker.
Engaging Facilitator.
Excited Adult.

Megan Flamer is an entrepreneur and mindfulness, compassion and resilience trainer who marries philosophy and practicality to uplift and inspire your people.

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Excited Adults.

I write about self inquiry, connection and experiments in human thriving over on Substack — join in the conversation!

Make Your Business Mindful

Maybe you need a speaker to cut through resignation and disconnection, or group facilitation that truly makes a difference to your teams.

Maybe you just need more calm, compassion and connection in your workplace.

Megan’s warm, engaging style will captivate your audience and transform what’s possible in your organisation.


Engage with verve and humour

Megan’s presentations are unlike any keynote you’ve ever heard: they’re highly interactive, moving and honest — and leave her audience in a different mindset from where they began.


Megan works at the intersection of mindfulness and innovation, bringing deep breaths to the most unlikely places.

Megan has designed curricula for prison parole programs, elite sporting groups and Fortune 500 companies. She is a passionate believer that mindfulness can be applied in any circumstance or situation.

She spent four years in San Francisco where she consulted on organisational development and mindfulness for companies including Google, Facebook and AirBnb. Her company Mindful Under Fire continues to provide training in the US and Australia for individuals and teams to succeed in high-pressure situations.

Prior to her stint in Silicon Valley, Megan worked as a journalist and radio host with the ABC for over a decade in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Megan currently serves as Director of Innovation for the Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies and is an investor and advisor in the Australian and New Zealand startup ecosystems, working to build thriving startups with healthy, balanced founders.

What People Are Saying


“I literally hate this stuff. Mostly because the people that attend and practice it are annoying. Megan, thankfully, isn't one of those people. I had a great time and learned more than I would probably like to admit about myself and other people.”

— Justin Robert Young,
Podcaster & Journalist

“Megan is one of those rare leaders who walks the walk and can really understands what it takes to build, commit and reap the benefits of a mindfulness practice.”

— Michael Ventura,
Advisor & Author of “Applied Empathy”

“The customized program designed by Megan is among one of the best self development experiences I have been part of. A guided journey to the edge of comfort zones, maps and directions provided for self-exploration thereafter. Megan has a knack for making everything feel like it's personally tailored to facilitate your specific revelation or synchronicity.”

— Daithi Ó Gliasáin,
Management Consultant

Monash Centre for Consciousness

and Contemplative Studies

Bring mindfulness, resilience & compassion to your workplace.

The Centre offers a range of programs and products for clients and partner organisations across industry and business, government and non-government organisations, and educational institutions.

Take a moment to breathe…

Whether you’re stressed and anxious or just needing a little moment of peace in your day, here are some of Megan’s meditation recordings to help you on your way.


Megan has worked with teams from:

Get in touch.